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  • Writer's pictureBelinda M

Are YOU living an Adrenaline Lifestyle?

Are you living an Adrenaline Lifestyle? Just hanging on, or sometimes out of control, as you attempt to manage your time, your energy and your life?

This is NOT sustainable.

Adrenaline ≠ Vitality

My client Paul was an Adrenaline Addict, until a few months into our coaching partnership. Here is what he has to say:

“It has been great to have some calming glimpses of freedom from the Adrenaline Lifestyle that I have been living for many years now.

Time management was never my strength but with your support, I am learning new habits and integrating these into my daily, weekly and monthly plans. I am now planning, prioritising and using technology.”

❓ Are YOU an Adrenaline Addict ❓

To find out, contact me and I’ll send you the Adrenaline Lifestyle questionnaire.

No one is saying you must stop adrenalising, however, if you recognise the cost and wish to make some changes in your way of living (like Paul above) then consider a coaching partnership with me.


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